Fogo: The project “Expertise France” ends today at Coopap headquarters in Cutelo Capado

The project in the area of agriculture and environment, called Terra de Valor, promotes, today, at the headquarters of the Cheese Cooperative of Cutelo Capado, (Cooperativa de queijo de Cutelo Capado, Coopap), a set of final closing activities of the Expertise France project.

The project Terra de Valor is co-financed by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) and Expertise France as part of the Global Alliance against Climate Change Plus (GCCA + West Africa). Coopermondo and Cospe implement it, in partnership with the Directorate- General of Agriculture, INIDA, Municipalities of Santa Cruz (Santiago) and Santa Catarina (Fogo), CITI-Habitat, Laço Branco, and associations of Fogo and Santiago.

This is a project designed for the innovation and inclusion of women and young people in agrifood value chains in Cape Verde in a participatory and cooperative way, but also through support for the emergence of innovative field solutions to strengthen the climate resilience of agricultural actors and rural.

The closing event of Project Expertise France aims to present to the funder and the partners the measures to improve the value chain and adapt to climate change that the project has been carrying out during its implementation.

Source: Inforpress