Fogo: Decentralization of tourist capacity and commitment to agriculture and fishing are essential to catapult the island – UCID

The decentralization of tourism capacity from the islands of Sal and Boa Vista to Fogo and greater attention to the agriculture and fishing sectors are fundamental to catapult the island towards its growth and development.

These are the proposals advanced by the president of the Independent and Democratic Cabo Verdean Union (UCID), João Santos Luís, when concluding, this Monday, his first visit to the island of Fogo, in this capacity.

The president of UCID, in summing up his visit, which allowed him, together with the local team, to take stock of the economic and social situation on the island of Fogo, said that the island has great potential for growth and development in terms of tourism, agriculture and fishing. However, noted that the authorities, both local and national, still have a lot to work on to put the island on the path of development, stressing, “The potential exists but there is a need to create the conditions for the island to can develop”.

The decentralization of tourism capacity, which the Government places on the islands of Sal and Boa Vista, for Fogo will allow this island to take advantage of its great capacity for tourism development. However, it is not even used by 50 %. João Santos Luis said, underlining that it is necessary to create the conditions, namely training, improvements to the neighboring paths and construction of accesses to places of interest, support for the construction of new tourist units, among others.

Source: Inforpress