Fogo: Close to three dozen people left São Filipe for Ponta Verde on the “freedom walk”

An average of three dozen people left, around 7:30 am, from São Filipe, on the island of Fogo, towards Ponta Verde on the freedom walk promoted by the MpD to mark the day January 13.

The president of the Political Region of Fogo of the Movement for Democracy (MpD), Filipe Santos, who participated in the “freedom walk”, which is part of “freedom week – 32 years of democracy”, said that in addition to the approximately three dozens of people who left São Filipe, along the route more participants will join.

According to him, a group of people is concentrated in the localities of Santo António, Ás-Hortas and Achada Mentirosa to participate and believes that until reaching the village of Ponta Verde the number of participants will be much greater.

On the other hand, he said that it is the first time that such an activity is carried out and in the morning it is normal that not everyone has participated.

Source: Inforpress