Fogo: City Hall plans to relocate the city waste dump in less than three months if it receives non-objection from DNA

The City Hall of São Filipe plans to relocate the city waste dump in less than three months, as soon as it obtains no objection from the National Directorate of the Environment (DNA) and the National Water and Sanitation Agency (ANAS).

The mayor, Nuías Silva, said if it were not the problem with ANAS the process could be very advanced, remembering that this institution transferred to the outgoing City Hall 6 million escudos to relocate the city waste dump, but “it was not used, nor justified”.

“We are negotiating with ANAS the transfer of the remaining, in the amount of 14 million escudos, to solve the problem,” said Nuías Silva, for whom the municipality “is suffering the problem of mismanagement of the outgoing City Hall in the use of public resources”, since the six million escudos, according to him, “gone and there is no justifiable intervention in the city waste dump”.

He said the City Hall has already identified the location, near the locality of Brandão, negotiated the land with the owner and prepared the budget for the construction of the controlled landfill.

Source: Inforpress