Fogo: Car accident causes ten injuries, all stable and without life-threatening – Clinical Director of the Hospital of São Francisco

A car accident happened in the early afternoon of this Monday on the road that connects Brandão to Vicente Dias, south of the city of São Filipe, causing a dozen injuries, three of them female and seven male.

The injured were admitted to the emergency department of the São Francisco de Assis Regional Hospital, around 2:30 pm, and, according to the Clinical Director, Dionísio Semedo, the injured were evaluated and “all are stable and without risk of life at the moment”.

According to the Clinical Director, one of the accidents has a clavicle fracture, but he and the other victims will remain under observation at the aforementioned hospital.

The accident, according to witnesses who witnessed the event, happened when an open-box vehicle carrying passengers tried to overtake another vehicle that was going in the same direction.

Source: Inforpress