First lady promotes “Inclusion Week” to raise awareness about the topic in Cabo Verde

The first lady, Débora Carvalho, promotes from today the “Inclusion Week” to raise awareness about the importance of social inclusion and the need to improve public policies to promote more inclusive actions in Cabo Verde.

According to a press release, a number of activities will be carried out during the week aiming to draw attention and raising awareness among Cabo Verdean civil society, NGOs, national and foreign public and private institutions and entities on the issue of social inclusion in Cabo Verde, which is necessary through the education, sport and culture sectors.

According to the same source, first lady Débora Katisa Carvalho intends with this initiative to put on the national agenda a set of issues involving families with children, adolescents and adults with disabilities.

The note also emphasizes that they intend with this event to draw attention to a better solution in the definition and execution of public policies in the inclusion area, besides to raise awareness among civil society to coexistence and respect for difference, whether physical, motor or neurological.

Source: Infopress