First baby of the year 2023 was born on Brava Island

According to the Health Department of the island of Flores, the baby who came into the world in the first moments of the year is female and is called Ângela Gianna Cruz Lima. She was born after 39 weeks of gestation, with 3,400 kilograms from a normal delivery. Both mother and child are in good health and were discharged yesterday, January 2nd, at 11:15 am.

It was 00:15 when the first baby of the year 2023 came into the world in Cape Verde, according to the records of health structures on the islands.

According to the Health Department of the island of Flores, the baby who came into the world in the first moments of the year is female and is called Ângela Gianna Cruz Lima. She was born after 39 weeks of gestation, with 3,400 kilograms from a normal birth. Both mother and child are in good health and were discharged yesterday, January 2nd, at 11:15 am.

From the records made in other health structures, in Santo Antão, at the Hospital Regional João Morais, the first baby was born at 8:05 am on the 1st, in São Vicente at Hospital Dr. Baptista de Sousa, the first baby was born at 2:30 am in Santiago at Hospital Dr. Agostinho Neto, the first birth took place at around 1:10 am, in Santiago Norte, Hospital Regional Santa Rita Vieira, at 2:49 am and at Hospital do Fogo the first baby was born at 6:36 am on January 1, 2023.

On the island of Sal (Hospital Regional Ramiro Figueira) and at the Health Departments of Boa Vista, Maio, Tarrafal and Ribeira Brava of São Nicolau, Santa Cruz, Órgãos, São Miguel, Mosteiros, no births were registered on the first day of the year .

Source: Government of the Republic of Cape Verde