Ficase will support 30.000 students through the “A Donation A School Kit” campaign

The Cabo Verdean Foundation for Social and School Welfare (Ficase), will support 30.000 students, from 1st to 4th grade, with textbooks, through the “A Donation A School Kit” campaign.

Speaking to Inforpress, Ficase’s president, Alberto Fernandes, clarified that in addition to school textbooks, this campaign distributes uniforms, notebooks and other materials necessary for students to start the school year.

“This is a mobilization of resources, with partners and civil society, to support students and this year we will pay more attention to the first grade of schooling”, explained the responsible, stressing that this campaign has a lot of participation of national companies and civil society.

Every year, the school kit programme benefits approximately 30.000 students from families with scant resources, with a school kit, consisting of backpack, uniform, notebooks and a set of books, at an average cost of 2.000 escudos.

Source: Inforpress