Father’s Day: Stop punishing children for wrongs of their mothers – Fathers urged

Mr Daniel Ofori Appiah, Founder and Leader of Watch Your Tongue Foundation, has admonished fathers to refrain from punishing their wards for wrongs of their mothers.

That, he said, reduced the love, connection and the relationship in marriages and families.

Mr Appiah said this when the Watch Your Tongue Foundation joined fathers at Christ Kingdom Christian Mission International to mark this year's Father's Day celebration in Ashiyie, Accra.

It was done in collaboration with Jesus Ark Foundation and Christ Kingdom Christian Mission International.

In a Father's Day sermon delivered under the theme: 'The Role of a Father in the development of a Child', Mr Appiah said fathers should live a life, which could be emulated by children.

He added that 'as a father, you must play a role of being a teacher or a trainer so that you can train a child to become a good citizen, to be able to live peacefully to reach one another to serve the nation'.

Mr Appiah said a father should train and communicate effectively with children, adding that it would help them to become great people in society.

He advised fathers to desist from using abusive words when discharging their fatherly roles.

Madam Eunice A. Godsent, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Jesus Ark Foundation, asked mothers to also desist from speaking ill of their husbands or ex-husbands to their children.

She said because whatever image children had of their fathers played important part in how they developed.

Madam Godsent said the situation where 'mothers always have problems when it comes to managing their pain and set up their children, who become victims of their circumstances must stop. They always try to poison their kids with their pain and their grief'.

Presenting an award to congratulate fathers for their utmost devotion to their families and church, she reiterated the need for fathers to be there for their families, show them love and care.

Mr Eric Amanquanor, Head Pastor, Christ Kingdom Christian Mission International, commended Watch Your Foundation and Jesus Ark Foundation for the love shown.

Receiving an award, Mr Amanquanor, urged fathers to open up to their wives and children towards building a strong Christian home.

Father's Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June every year to acknowledge outstanding men who diligently discharge their fatherly roles.

Source: Ghana News Agency