FAO and Government with protocols to increase resilience in four vulnerable municipalities

This Wednesday, the Government signed a protocol with FAO in the amount of 30 million escudos to increase resilience in the municipalities of Porto Novo, São Domingos, Santa Cruz and Ribeira Grande de Santiago, considered the most vulnerable.

Ana Touza represented FAO, while on the Cape Verde side, through the Ministries of Agriculture and Environment, and of Family, Inclusion and Social Development, Ministers Gilberto Silva and Fernando Elísio Freire initiated the document.

Ana Touza explained that the protocol aims to support 4 municipalities in the country and more than 1300 families in the period of four months, in four municipalities. It takes into account the “complex and acute” crisis, characterized by five consecutive years of drought, the impacts of covid -19 in the economy and the price increase due to the impact of the crisis in relation to the war caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

For the purpose, FAO proposes to intervene with a package of actions through the signing of this understanding agreement, measures aimed at ensuring access to food for the most vulnerable families through income generation, safeguarding food security and nutritional diversity for students, strengthening the local production chain and links with the market, according to the same source.

Source: Inforpress