Expert considers “very complicated and heavy” the Cabo Verdean labour law

Labour law Expert Vera Querido on Thursday classified Cabo Verdean labour law as being “complicated,” with “very heavy” legislation that makes it difficult for employers to be within the law.


This statement was made to the press on the sidelines of a conference on “Labour Law Issues in Cabo Verde: Current and Future Challenges”, organized in Praia by VPQ Advogados, a member in Cabo Verde of the Morais Leitão Legal Circle International Network.


The event addresses labour law issues in Cabo Verde, such as employment contracts (fixed-term and temporary) or the obligations of the employer and the worker, as well as analyzes the labour perspective under the General Data Protection Regime, and the role of the Directorate General of Labour.


“I think Cabo Verdean labour law is complicated, as I said it is very heavy legislation,” said Vera Querido, also managing partner of VPQ Advogados, who was questioned by journalists about this matter.


Source: Inforpress

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