“Everyone recognizes the excellence of Casa do Cidadão and the perspective is to disseminate it throughout Public Administration” – Edna Oliveira

Speaking to the press, after the visit, from which she was satisfied with the quality of the service provided, Edna Oliveira, who was accompanied by the National Director for State Modernization, João Cruz, expressed the intention of the Government of Cape Verde to disseminate the model of service provided by Casa do Cidadão, recognized as being of excellence, at the level of the entire Public Administration.

In São Vicente, where she traveled to set up a working meeting with the Minister of the Sea and the Minister of Culture and Creative Industries, Abraão Vicente, within the scope of the implementation of the Performance Management System (SGD) in Public Administration, the Minister of Modernization of the State and Public Administration, Edna Oliveira, visited, on the afternoon of this Tuesday, January 17, the in-person counter of the Casa do Cidadão on the island, the territorial base service of the National Directorate for the Modernization of the State, to take, in loco, the pulse of the operation of the service, contact and listen to the employees of this service.

Speaking to the press, after the visit, from which she was satisfied with the quality of the service provided, Edna Oliveira, who was accompanied by the National Director for State Modernization, João Cruz, expressed the intention of the Government of Cape Verde to disseminate the model of service provided by Casa do Cidadão, recognized as being of excellence, at the level of the entire Public Administration.

“Estado Casa do Cidadão’s integrated face-to-face service is a model that has already proven to work well and is a reference model where everyone recognizes excellence in service. Naturally, we must extend and standardize the service model existing at the Casa do Cidadão in the various services of the Public Administration, so that we have the same level of service”, said the official, indicating that one of the priorities of the Plan of Activities of the Ministry of Modernization of the State and Public Administration (MMEAP), for the year 2023, is precisely “to disseminate the service model that exists at the branches of the Casa do Cidadão”.

For this purpose, continued the Minister, some parameters must be established, namely the training that must be given to the people who are in the attendance service and the standardization of the layout, among other equally important aspects for the pursuit of the ultimate purpose of the MMEAP, which is the provision of a quality public service.

Source: Government of the Republic of Cape Verde