Ephemeride: Today turns 18 years the Cape Verdean singer and songwriter Ildo Lobo passed away

Singer-songwriter Ildo Lobo, one of the greatest performers ever of Cabo Verdean music, internationally known for his solo work, completed this Thursday 18 years he died.


Died on October 20, 2004, at the age of 51, his versatile and melodic voice and his “powerful” presence on stage made him one of the greatest performers ever in Cabo Verde.


Ildo Lobo was known since forever in the islands of Cabo Verde, and very early also in Portugal, for his work in the Os Tubarões band, and became internationally famous thanks to his solo work, recorded on the albums Nôs Morna, Intelectual and Incondicional.


Cabo Verdean singer, Ildo Neves de Sousa Lobo was born in 1953, in Pedra do Lume, on the Sal Island, the son of a serenade animator. It was under the influence of his father that Ildo Lobo became a singer.


In 1970, at the age of 17, he began living in Praia, to be able to attend high school. Three years later he was invited to join the musical group Os Tubarões, where he replaced his cousin Luís Lobo, who was the lead singer.


Source: Inforpress

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