Employment: Coordinators of local networks satisfied with meetings held and with “green light” for the future

The coordinators from the four local networks of employment and employability of Cabo Verde, which met for a week in the city of Praia looking for partnerships, consider the meetings were “fruitful”.

This information was forwarded to Inforpress by the coordinator of Brava’s local network, Mário Soares, indicating that from July 19 to 23, together with the coordinators from the islands of Maio, Boa Vista and São Nicolau, held a range of meetings with various institutions, with a view to the implementation of the action plan and network projects.

Mário Soares stressed that in addition to the total openness demonstrated by the institutions, the coordinators will elaborate, in an articulated way, a ‘draft’ of an agreement for signing with the contacted entities, as well as establish agenda routines and meetings with central and governing leaders during their visits to the islands.

Of the partners contacted, this responsible appointed the Director-General of the Ministry of Family and Social Inclusion, the Directorate General of Employment and Vocational Training, the manager of the Integrated Policy Education Training and Employment and, as he stressed, they demonstrated openness in collaborating with the network’s activities and projects in favor of job creation and as a focal point of these islands in addition to City Halls.

Source: Inforpress