Electra points electricity losses of around 3.5% of the State Budget

The chairman of the board of directors of Electra said this Tuesday that stealing, energy fraud and energy efficiency are the main challenges for the sector, with total losses of 3.5% of the Budget of State

Luís Teixeira, who was speaking to the press this morning, on the sidelines of the signing of partnership contracts between Electra and private media, said t this is a problem that not only threatens the entire sustainability of the sector. Also of the country, as it will have an impact on the final price of consumers, of companies and of the Cape Verdean families.

According to the chairman of Electra’s board of directors, the data for 2021 indicate that 112 gigawatts/hour of energy produced in Cape Verde is lost every year, which represents 25% of the national loss.

“Santiago contributes 36% here and Sal around 8%, the number for Europe and the United States. But these 36% are not admitted, if we were to withdraw about 10%, estimated in terms of technical losses, it means that more than 26% in Santiago has to do with energy stealing and fraud”. Explained the same source, who declared that these losses added up are more than the total production of the islands of Santo Antão, São Vicente and São Nicolau.

Source: Inforpress