Director of the UNWTO for Africa encourages countries to bet on vaccination and points to Cabo Verde as an example

The Regional Director of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Elcia Grandcourt, encouraged Wednesday, the 1st, African countries to bet on a vaccination program for tourism recovery and pointed Cabo Verde as an example in this matter.

Speaking to the press, the UNWTO representative, who is in the Sal Island to attend the 64th meeting of the UNWTO Regional Commissions in Africa and the Tourism Investments in Africa, which start today, considered that it is necessary to carry out joint work and collaboration between countries, harmonize all aspects of the current health security protocols and thus ensure that tourists feel safe again.

“When planning a trip, you want to make sure there is a certain degree of health security in your holiday destination. I know that Cabo Verde has a vaccination program and it’s very good because that’s what countries need to have the confidence to indicate Cabo Verde’s destination with being safe,” she said.

Elcia Grandcourt stressed that Cabo Verde needs to communicate to the world the actions already developed to ensure this safety for tourists.

Source: Inforpress