Czech company wants to produce aircraft in Cabo Verde to be exported to African countries

The vice president of the Czech and Cabo Verdean Chamber of Commerce, Mónica Sofia Duarte, said Thursday that the Czech Cabo Verdean Aeronautical company intends in the next three years to produce aircraft in the archipelago to be sold to African countries.


Monica Sofia Duarte announced this information to Inforpress, on the sidelines of the opening ceremony of the first edition of the fair of Czech and Cabo Verdean companies and entrepreneurs, which started today and ends on the 24th, in the city of Praia.


The fair, as she said, is held in partnership with the Government of Cabo Verde, the City Halls and several other public and private institutions of both countries, adding that the event will have, on the other hand, a strong participation of exhibitors from the sub-region of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).


According to her, the event has the participation of 62 companies represented in the 16 stand installed at the Cabo Verdean International Fair (FIC), in Achada Grande Frente, having, however, regretted the weak participation of Cabo Verdean companies.


Source: Inforpress

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