Creation of the emigrant museum is again on the agenda of the IPC and the Ministry of Communities

The creation of the emigrant museum will enable scientific research, preservation and communication of material and immaterial expressions and contribute to the understanding of this migratory universe, defends the Institute of Cultural Heritage (IPC).

During a meeting which took place on Wednesday between the IPC President, Hamilton Jair Fernandes, and the Director General of the Communities, Martinho Ramos, the emigration’s contribution to the economic development of the country was highlighted, which is now a “fundamental element” of the Cabo Verdean cultural identity preservation and valorization.

The two leaders argued that the “Emigration Museum”, whose public presentation took place in 2020, and which also had the participation of organizations and researchers from the Diaspora, will be a space for exaltation of the Cabo Verdean emigration historical path.

The IPC also explains in a press release that the creation of this museum aims, on the other hand, to emphasize the factual wealth, motivations, struggles, sacrifices, as well as internationally recognized landmarks, stories of people and collectives who blend in the construction and affirmation of Cabo Verde on the islands and beyond borders.

Source: Inforpress