COVID-19/Tourism: Prime Minister announces there are signs of recovery in the islands of Sal and Boa Vista

The Prime Minister announced that “there are signs of tourism recovery” in the islands of Sal and Boa Vista which results from the work done by all Cabo Verdeans in the management of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ulyisses Correia e Silva was speaking at the ceremony commemorating United Nations Day, marked this year under the motto “Contributing to a Cabo Verde vaccinated against the COVID-19”, which was staged in the municipality of São Miguel, in the countryside of Santiago.

“There is no recovery of the economy without positioning Cabo Verde with a safe level in terms of health security,” he warned, asking for vaccination campaign support.

“In Sal and Boa Vista tourism begins to take new steps and that means hotels reopening, employment again,” he noted, noting that, with the recovery, many young people who left these tourist islands with the emergence of COVID-19 are returning to them and to work.

Source: Inforpress