COVID-19: Santo Antão achieves 100% vaccination rate with first dose and 80% with second dose

Santo Antão has already achieved a vaccination rate against COVID-19 of 100 percent (%) with the first dose and “more than 80%” with the second dose, said the director of the Sanitary Region of the island.

The doctor Alexandre Alves said that in terms of the health situation, Santo Antão “has surprised” the country with the “great response” given by health professionals through “an effective work”.

This responsible, in statements to the press, praised the fact that the Santantonians had behaved “in the best way”, with “great support” to the vaccination process, transmitting “a message of confidence” in relation to Santo Antão.

“We will continue to work to reach 100% with the second dose,” said the director of the Sanitary Region of Santo Antão, urging the population to continue to observe, correctly, the safety measures and health authorities recommendations, so that the island is free of the pandemic.

Source: Inforpress