COVID-19/Picos: Local and health authorities campaign helps vaccinate more than 300 people

The big awareness campaign on vaccination against COVID-19 which took place on 20th, 21st and 22nd, in São Salvador do Mundo, vaccinated more than 300 people from various communities in this municipality in the coutryside of Santiago.

The initiative, promoted by the Municipal Assembly and City Hall of São Salvador do Mundo, in partnership with the local Health Center, aimed to raising awareness among people about the importance of the vaccine against COVID-19 and the need for all to get vaccinated.

The promoters classified the joint initiative, which ran through several localities of the county, “extremely positive”, since the previous vaccination average was ten to 15 people per day.

According to the president of the Municipal Assembly of São Salvador do Mundo, Elsa Rodrigues, there was an initial misperception that people did not want to get vaccinated. However, she assured that during this campaign it was concluded that the reason why people did not get vaccinated was the fact that many families live in areas far away from the Health Center and do not want to go to there.

Source: Inforpress