COVID-19: Mayors of Santa Catarina and Tarrafal believe that PR visit will increase vaccination

The mayors of Santa Catarina and Tarrafal believe that the visit made this Thursday by the new President of the Republic will increase vaccination in their municipalities, especially by young people.

José Maria Neves, who chose the North Santiago Sanitary Region (RSSN), more specifically Santa Catarina and Tarrafal, for his first visit as new Head of State after two days in office, assured journalists that his presence in that region is precisely to mobilize people to participate in vaccination, particularly young people.

For the Mayor of Santa Catarina, Jassira Monteiro, the PR visit will increase the vaccination support by young people and improve the vaccination rate, because the Head of State made clear in his speech and message he will influence dor this purpose.

In the same line of ideas, the Mayor of Tarrafal, José dos Reis, said he believed that the courtesy visit made by the PR, who was accompanied by the Minister of Health, Arlindo do Rosário, is a “clear sign” that one should make a “great djunta-mon” (mutual help) so that the vaccination rate improves in the RSSN, particularly in the municipality he runs.

Source: Inforpress