COVID-19: Director ensures epidemiological situation is “favorable” and praises “protective effect” of vaccines

The National Director of Health assured, in the city of Praia, that the epidemiological situation of the country is “favorable” and praised the “protective effect” of vaccines against COVID-19.

Jorge Barreto gave this guarantee on Thursday, in the presentation of the national epidemiological situation, which preceded the Press Release addressed to the country by the Prime Minister, Ulisses Correia e Silva, who declared the end of the state of contingency and entry in force of the situation of alerte

“The situation is very favorable, since July 31 is in a state of contingency and in the same period we learned on the circulation of DELTA variant in the archipelago, however the impact of its circulation was not what we expected”, he pointed out.

According to the person responsible, this is “most likely” due to the “protective effect” of vaccines against COVID-19, when, by the end of August, the country had already reached 19 percent (%) of the eligible adult population vaccinated.

Source: Inforpress