Court of Auditors points to 15% improvement in revenue collection in 2019

The Court of Auditors delivered this Thursday to the National Assembly the opinion of the 2019 General Account of the State, having seen a 15% improvement in revenue collection and an increase in public debt by 0.8%, compared to previous years.


This information was announced to the press by the President of the Court of Auditors, João da Cruz Silva, who, as far as the budgetary procedure he said that there was an “effort” by the Government to comply with the uniqueness of cash, which is not entirely long, due to the lack of banking system in some entities.


“In terms of revenue, if we compare the last accounts that were delivered in 2017, 2018 and 2019, we see that there was an improvement of around 15% in revenue collection. In 2017, 49 billion escudos were raised, in 2018 51 billion escudos, and 59 billion escudos in 2019,” he said. Tax revenues, according to him, also increased, in 2017 there was a collection of 35 billion, 2018 40 billion escudos, 2019 42 billion escudos.


As for public debt, in 2017 it was 134% of GDP, 2018 fell to 131.2%, and in 2019 there was a slight increase of 0.8%, which means that in 2019 public debt is 132% of GDP, the President of the Court of Auditors said.


Source: Inforpress

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