Consumer confidence maintained downward trend in the last quarter of 2021 – INE

The consumer confidence indicator maintained the downward trend of the last quarter of 2021 and evolved unfavorably compared to the same period of 2020, the National Institute of Statistics (INE) reported on Tuesday.

This result, according to the INE, is basically justified by the negative assessment of households on their current economic situation and the evolution of the financial situation of households and the country’s economic for the next 12 months, compared to the same quarter.

“For the families surveyed in the last 12 months, both their economic situation at home and the economic situation of the country have evolved negatively compared to the same quarter,” states the document, which points out that in the opinion of respondents, both prices and unemployment decreased compared to the same period in 2020.

Regarding the item savings, 80.5 percent (%) of respondents in the fourth quarter of 2021 considered that the country’s current economic situation still does not save money. In the same quarter, this percentage was 86.5%, representing a difference of -6.0 percentage points (pp) between the two periods.

Source: Inforpress