CNDHC awaits discussion of anti-discrimination law in parliament – President

The president of the National Commission for Human Rights and Citizenship said, today, in Mindelo, that the commission prepared a draft bill against discrimination, which is submitted to parliament, and awaiting its discussion and approval.

Zaida Freitas was speaking to Inforpress on the sidelines of the forum on Mental Health in LGBTQI+ people (Lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, intersex among others), which takes place in Mindelo. It complies with the guidelines of the Diagnostic Study on the Social and Legal Situation of people LGBTI who recommended working on the depression and isolation of the community in the country.

According to Zaida Freitas, this law that the commission submitted to parliament does not only concern the LGBT community anymore, but anyone who is subject to any type of discrimination.

According to the same source, the Diagnostic Study on the Social and Legal Situation of LGBTI people also recommended the recognition of de facto unions, which is “important for that community”, taking into account that the Constitution of the Republic of Cape Verde does not allow marriage between people of the same sex.

Source: Inforpress