City Hall of Praia encourages young people to creativity through training in decorative arts and crafts

The City Hall of Praia began on Tuesday a training course on decorative arts and crafts, under the “Cidadi Kultural – Park d’Art” Programme, which aims to encourage creativity and thus promote greater cultural dynamics in the country.

The director of Culture and Creative Economies at the City Hall, Adilson Spínola, stressed at the opening of the event that the importance of engaging young people in local cultural productions and programs that encourage creativity and boost culture.

“The training provided by the master craftsman Gustavo Duarte is an opportunity for you [the trainees] to learn production techniques valuing local materials, promoting and enhancing the culture and thus returning life to the park where was once the cultural heart of the City of Praia”, he explained.

According to Gustavo Duarte, master craftsman and trainer, the training aims to empower participants, valuing local materials and encouraging for a “greater support” of young people to training related to handicrafts, thus increasingly raising the level of local artists.

Source: Inforpress