City Hall of Praia begins placement of property landmarks to avoid clandestine construction

The City Hall of Praia has already begun the placement of property landmarks, indicated with the references “GP” – Property Management, inside and within the boundaries of several neighborhoods of the municipality.

According to a note published by the City Hall on its facebook page, this measure takes place in the implementation of the Property Management Plan of the Municipality of Praia, and in order to contain unauthorized buildings and occupations, in planned areas or in the process of planning.

“CMP has carried out a set ofactions, which will culminate in the provision of suitable areas and lands for urban construction, with reserves of infrastructure areas and public equipment,” the statement read.

The City Hall is already preparing for the upcoming rainy season, and the President of the CMP reinforced the interventions will focus on the most critical neighborhoods, reiterating an operational plan to respond to recurrent needs.

Source: Inforpress