Cape Verde’s decline in the Ibrahim Index shows that governance inspires care and suffers from attacks by some viruses – PR

The President of the Republic, José Maria Neves, said this Wednesday, in São Filipe, Fogo island, that Cape Verde’s decline in the Ibrahim Index shows that governance inspires care and is suffering the attack of some viruses.

The Head of State, who is on the island of Fogo to close the centenary program of the elevation of São Filipe to the category of city, questioned by the media about the descent, also advanced the need to eliminate the virus so that Cape Verde does not continue to fall even further in the ranking of good governance.

“There has been a decline, in recent years, of Cape Verde in the governance ranking. They are small viruses that are silently eroding the pillars of governance and good governance and everyone has to take better care of the governance of the country”, said José Maria Neves, noting that when he says everyone he is referring to the sovereign bodies, the local authorities, political parties and all elements of the democratic governance system.

For the President of the Republic, the ranking itself indicates some elements, namely political participation, arguing that it is “important” to create spaces that guarantee the participation and interference of citizens in governance.

Source: Inforpress