Cape Verdeans increasingly “more” informed and with less stigma about cancer – ACLCC

The President of the Cape Verdean Association for the Fight against Cancer (ACLCC), Cornélia Pereira, said this Sunday, in Praia, that Cape Verdean society is increasingly informed and with less stigma about cancer.

Cornélia Pereira, who was speaking to the press on the sidelines of the October Rosa march, aiming to bring necessary information about breast cancer to the Cape Verdean population, promoted by the ACLCC. She said that surrender with the adhesion of Cape Verdean society to the pink march that is taking place gradually throughout the archipelago.

She noted, on the occasion, that the activities of the ACLCC are not limited to the march, and that they take place every year with screening actions, sensitization lectures in all the islands of Cape Verde.

“The balance of 15 years of existence we can say is positive, everyone feels it, and this is the feeling of Cape Verdean society. Today we have a more informed society, more sensitized, with less prejudice about cancer, stigma”, prompted Cornélia Pereira. This, she argued, is the result of the work that the association has been developing over the years, as well as other associations created on islands such as São Nicolau, Santo Antão and São Vicente.

Source: Inforpress