Cape Verdean labor code is “good”, but with some “shortcomings” – Jurist

Jurist Geraldo Almeida considered that the Cape Verdean labor code is “good”, but has some shortcomings, advocating a “good review” of the legal regime and the employment contract with a view to adjust them to the new times.

Geraldo Almeida made these remarks to the press this Thursday, at Praia, on the sidelines of the conference entitled “The scientific foundations of Labor Law”, as part of the cycle of conferences promoted by the Cape Verde Bar Association (OACV).

“I consider the labor code good, but with some shortcomings from the labor struggle. The laws also reflect this labor struggle, but I am convinced that we have good laws and, in general, I can even say that the labor courts are those that work best”, concluded the jurist.

As he added, the labor courts “are the fastest”, practically without pending issues, except for one or the other, taking into account that, he acknowledged, some have some delay in making decisions.

Source: Inforpress