Cape Verde and China sign an emergency food aid agreement worth 150 million escudos

Cape Verde and China sign today, at Praia, the agreement by exchange of notes on the allocation of emergency food aid, in the amount of 150 million escudos.

In a press release, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Regional Integration indicates that the aid will support Cape Verdean authorities in responding to challenges linked to food and nutritional security, thus contributing to increasing the availability of cereals and stability of prices in the national market.

“Chinese emergency food aid is a prompt response to the appeal launched by the Government of Cape Verde, following the declaration of a “social and economic emergency situation” caused by the pandemic crisis of covid-19, the prolonged drought that devastates the country and the consequences disastrous consequences of the war in Ukraine”, the document reads.

The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Miryan Vieira, and by the Chinese ambassador to Cape Verde, Xu Jie will sign the document.

Source: Inforpress