Cabo Verde welcomes “convergence of wills and commitment” in negotiating the mobility agreement – Minister

The Minister of Foreign Affairs said in the city of Praia that Cabo Verde welcomes the “convergence of wills and commitment of member states” in negotiating the mobility agreement between Portuguese-speaking countries.

Rui Figueiredo Soares made this statement this Thursday at the opening of the 3rd Meeting of the CPLP Civil Society Forum, which runs until Friday, 21th, in Praia, under the theme “The Role of the Civil Society Forum in Strengthening Partnerships for the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals”.

“Among the topics to be discussed in this 3rd Forum is the centrality of the issue of intra-Community mobility and its intrinsic to the plan to build a CPLP of peoples,” he noted.

According to the Minister, from this centrality results the priority Cabo Verde agreed to give to the negotiation of an agreement on the mobility of the CPLP, “which has already been announced in the Council of Minister is recommended its approval” by the conference of heads of State and government to be held in Luanda (Angola) next July.

Source: Inforpress