Cabo Verde wants to host the headquarters of the Maritime Coordination Centre of Zone G

Cabo Verde is working to host the headquarters of the Maritime Coordination Centre of Zone G, which integrates the maritime security architecture of Yaoundé, which also includes Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Mali and Senegal.


Janine Lélis, who was speaking at a press conference to announce the beginning of the Armed Forces reform process, said Cabo Verde is mobilising internally and with its international partners the financing for its implementation, given the strategic importance it has for the country and so that we can ensure maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea region.


“As we have said, on other occasions, no country alone can guarantee its security or else combat risks in isolation, so we advocate the strengthening of cooperative security, fundamental to security and peace in the world,” she said.


As for the reform announced Tuesday, Janine Lélis said that it requires “a broad consensus” and to start it the Government will count on the National Assembly, the President of the Republic and all those who have responsibilities and competences in this matter, so that together a reform that interests Cabo Verde and will serve well the Cabo Verdeans.


Source: Inforpress

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