Burkina: Observer Paalga offers food and hygiene kits

Observateur Paalga on the occasion of these 50 years, offered Saturday in Ouagadougou, 212 bags of 25kg of rice, 716 balls of soap and clothing effects to more than 200 households vulnerable, including internally displaced persons.

The gift is made up of “rice, soap because personal hygiene is very important. There are also clothing effects because generally these internally displaced people fled their homes with nothing. So some arrived with the only clothes they were wearing. So it's very important that we can bring them something to dress properly,” said the coordinator of L'Observateur Paalga, Robert Ouédraogo.

For Mr. Ouédraogo, the donation comes to mark the anniversary of the private daily which took place in the context of an unprecedented humanitarian crisis.

For him, it is a gesture of solidarity because time demands it.

According to Robert Ouédraogo, the dean of private dailies in Burkina could not remain insensitive to this “national human drama”. “They are our brothers and we cannot leave them in disarray,” he insisted.

“This operation aims to respond to the call for solidarity launched by the State to deal with the humanitarian crisis. It also aims to alleviate the suffering of these vulnerable households by giving them a food kit and helping these displaced people to ensure their hygiene by donating soap, a symbol of dignity,” underlined Robert Ouédraogo.

"It is a feeling of relief in the sense that we have launched and we continue to launch the appeal for national and international solidarity in favor of the care of these populations in distress", indicated the representative of the minister in charge of Humanitarian Action, Boureima De Salam Ouédraogo.

The newspaper L'Observation Paalga is the leading private daily in Burkina Faso.

It was founded on May 28, 1973. Activities marking the celebration of the silver jubilee of the dean of private Burkinabè daily newspapers began on Tuesday with a symposium.

As a reminder, since 2015 Burkina Faso has been plagued by terrorist attacks resulting in hundreds of deaths and massive population displacements.

Source: Burkina Information Agency