Budget for promotions of prison officers expected for 2022 – Minister of Justice

Justice Minister Joana Rosa said today that the 2022 State Budget will create the conditions for promotions at the level of prison officers, as well as resolve other disputes and claims.

Joana Rosa made this statement to the press, on the sidelines of her visit today to the central prison in Praia, whose objective was to learn about the institution's functioning.

As he informed, after taking over the Ministry of Justice, he received the Association of Prison Agents at a hearing, in which issues related to the freeze on promotions of professionals in the class were discussed.

Along these lines, he indicated that the 2022 budget will create conditions for promotions at the chain level, as well as the overtime payment system and other claims.

"We will, little by little, create the conditions because we have budgetary limitations, this year, for example, the promotion funds were captivated, so we wait for next year", he pointed out.

In addition, the government official reiterated that it is also necessary to motivate agents so that they can increasingly perform their role and present good results.

“Good engagement is a good path to good results. For our part, we will create all the necessary motivation”, he stressed.

On the other hand, Joana Rosa announced that there is a project for a school for legal and judicial training, which will be for magistrates, court officials, conservators and notaries, but also for prison officers.

According to the minister, it will be an investment that the Government will make next year, creating the conditions for training in the sector.

Source: Inforpress