Brava: President of the Republic defends measures for “positive discrimination” for less developed municipalities

The President of the Republic, Jorge Carlos Fonseca, reinforced on Tuesday his message of reinforcing a “positive discrimination” for some municipalities by the Government and public entities.

15 days before the end of his term, the Head of the State of Cabo Verde chose the island as the last stronghold of the archipelago to be visited as the highest magistrate of the Nation, where, incidentally, he had also begun visits as President of the Republic, on October 25, 2011.

In the way of a farewell speech, Jorge Carlos Fonseca argued that the island of Brava “should be more cherished and have a special attention” on the part of the public authorities.

Therefore, he stressed that since his first investiture as Head of State he has made, “repeatedly, the speech for positive discrimination”, not only for Brava, but also for other municipalities such as the Mosteiros, São Lourenço dos Órgãos, Ribeira Brava, among others.”

Source: Inforpress