Brava: City Hall restarts rehabilitation works on the road walls and main roads

The City Hall of Brava has begun work on the rehabilitation of the road walls and main roads in the island, begun in previous years, but which were interrupted due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its negative effects.

In statements to the press, the Mayor, Francisco Tavares, explained that this work of continuity began in the locality of Lugarinho, where the City Hall had the support from a couple living in the United States, allowing in addition to the construction of walls, the paving of the road and opening of the stretch in the road just at the entrance of the locality.

According to the same source, residents had long called for such interventions, which provide “greater security” to them.

Another location that is receiving interventions is Santa Barbara, Francisco Tavares stressed the location has a century-old road, but some walls gave way in the rains of the previous year.

Source: Inforpress