Brava: Biflores Association trains fishmongers in financial education

The director of Biflores Association, Dheeraj Jayant, announced this Thursday that the association is training a group of 14 fishmongers in financial education to empower them in the area in which they work.

Speaking to Inforpress, Dheeraj Jayant explained that this training is part of planned activities outlined for the current year and that after the financial education there will be, later this year, another training, this time in Quality Control, also aimed at this target audience.

According to the same source, the objective is to involve all people from the three fishing communities of the island, (Furna, Fajã d´Água and Lomba Tantum) recalling that last week a group of 25 fishermen from these communities completed a course in Navigation in the High Seas and Capture techniques.

Moreover, at the end of this training in financial education, he added that kits will be offered to these women, which include some materials they use in their day-to-day tasks, from a knife, utensils to place the fish, scales, among others.

Source: Inforpress