Brava: Artisan challenges recent graduates to self-empower and assert themselves in the artisanal market

Artisan Beto Diogo challenged the group of 21 young people who who take the course on “productive leather arts technique” to train and assert themselves in the artisanal market through the practice and production of pieces.

Speaking to Inforpress after the exhibition of the pieces produced during the 13 days of training, Beto Diogo stressed that the training was 75 hours and, from his point of view, “had a good impact”.

According to the artisan the young people “did not come out trained, but trained to go self-training”, because they are already trained and now, it is up to each of the trainees to face it in their own way and carry it forward, because “within 75 hours you can not say that they were able”.

And so, he says he expects that each of these recent graduates will be able to assert themselves and they can soon be good artisans, according to their abilities, reinforcing that with the exhibition made at the end of today it was possible to see the satisfaction of these young people and the interest in continuing so that Brava can have a local handicraft.

Source: Inforpress