Bono Region records 254 fire incidents last year

Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS) in the Bono Region in the year 2023 recorded 254 total fire disaster cases as against 202 in the year 2022. Divisional Officer (DO) III Ruth Mensah-Tandoh, the Bono Regional Public Relations Officer (PRO) of GNFS told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) in an interview in Sunyani that, there was an increase of 52 more fire cases than that of the year 2022. She gave the breakdown of the incidence that out of the total 254 fire outbreaks, 90 were domestic, 60 bushfires, 20 were vehicular, 35 commercial, six were electrical, three institutions and two industrials. The officers also rescued eight other people from the well and bee attacks said adding that seven people were injured in the fire disaster cases whilst three people also lost their lives in the incident, she added The PRO advised farmers to take their food along to the farm from home and desist from cooking in the bush because of the harmattan season and again urged the public not to leave food on fire unattended particu larly using gas but to switch off the gas stove when attending to other equally important activity. She asked the public to be extremely cautious and stressed that a little mistake could lead to a huge loss of properties as well as lives since everything including weeds was totally dried up DO III Mensah-Tandoh advised the public to ensure all gadgets were switched off when moving out from the house and reminded the palm wine tappers and hunters of the PNDC law 229 which bands such activity to the end of March this year saying' If all are to play our parts responsibly the season would be ended freely without any incident'. Source: Ghana News Agency