Boa Vista: Local authority holds benefit show to help food basket projects and hot meal

The Art and Culture Centre in Sal Rei hosts Thursday a benefit concert in which the public will have to contribute one kilogram of food to help social projects of distribution of food baskets and hot meals.

The information was provided by the Councilwoman for Twinning and Cooperation, Culture and Tourism, Nádia Santos, who explained that the event falls into the City Hall cultural program for August.

According to reported, during the show will be raised food to support two social projects, the food baskets, which distributes about 200 food baskets per month to all the villages of the island, and hot meals, in which daily about 160 people benefit from this project, in the Seixal Sport Center.

On the stage of the Art and Culture Centre will be the singer from Broa Vista Tio Lino and other local artists, among them Djugan and Tibu Évora, who participate in this benefit show, in which the entrance of the audience to watch the show is made by contributing one kilogram of food.

Source: Inforpress