Boa Vista: AOETBV’s President hopes the reopening of flights will bring competition, low ticket prices and national tourism

The president of the Economic Operators of Tourism Association of Boa Vista (AOETBV) said he hoped the reopening of domestic flights will bring competition, lower ticket prices, to enable national and international tourism.

Ogino Almeida made this observation to the media when he spoke about the recent reopening of national flights with a new airline operating in the country and, above all, also the announcement of continuity by the ohter one operator, calling these facts “better and welcome to the country”.

The association leader argues that “this possibility of competition should be welcomed” especially if there is a drop in ticket prices that until then were “prohibitive”.

For example, in March he traveled from Boa Vista to Sal island with a air ticket that cost about 42.000 escudos. Therefore, he noted that “most people do not pay these amounts to holiday in Cabo Verde and prefer Europe that is sometimes almost the same price.”

Source: Inforpress