Biosphere Reserve: Mayor of Mosteiros says Projecto Vitó should take over management of the process

The mayor of Mosteiros, Fábio Vieira, considered that “it is high time” for the Projecto Vitó Association to “take over the management of the implementation process” of the Biosphere Reserve on the island of Fogo.

The mayor defended this position following the “intense contacts” that the management of the Projecto Vitó Association triggered in the last two weeks with the three municipalities of the island regarding the World Biosphere Reserve of the island of Fogo, declared about two years and four months ago by Unesco.

“Projecto Vitó Association has been a success story in Cape Verde, due to the dynamics and valences it has imprinted in the conservation of our biodiversity.

Therefore, I believe that it is high time to take over the management of the implementation process of the Biosphere Reserve on the island of Fogo, if, in fact, we want it to be another catalyst for the sustainable development of the island, from an economic, social, ecological perspective “. Said Fábio Vieira, after the meeting with the Projecto Vitó Association´s team.

Contacted by Inforpress, Fábio Vieira said that not only does he defend this position, but also at the next meeting, he will propose to the Board of Directors of the World Biosphere Reserve that the Projecto Vitó Association carry out its management.

Source: Inforpress