Bases law of Public Employment provides “greater justice and salary equality”

Minister Edna Oliveira said today that the proposal for the new Basic law of Public Employment (LBEP) provides “greater justice and salary equality” and prevents staff from leaving public administration.

The holder of the Modernization of the State and Public Administration portfolio, who was speaking to journalists this morning, on the sidelines of the 1st Specialized Commission to discuss the proposal for the new Basic Law on Public Employment, said that the document introduces “a new ” view on public administration and the provision of public service.

According to the official, the present law that establishes the legal regime of public employment defines the fundamental principles of the civil service, the legal regime of constitution, as well as the modification and extinction of the legal relationship of public employment.

The government official also said that the document changes the focus from the concept of position to the concept of function, and so far, employees remunerated according to position they occupy, regardless of the function they perform.

Source: Inforpress