Ashes Wednesday: D. Arlindo Furtado urges Christians to convert in celebrating the mysteries of Christ’s passion, death and resurrection

Cardinal Dom Arlindo Furtado urged this Wednesday, at Praia, Christians to convert in the celebration of Ash Wednesday and to prepare to celebrate the mysteries of passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The bishop of the Diocese of Santiago, who was speaking to Inforpress as part of the celebration of the beginning of Lent in the liturgical calendar, and which this year is marked on February 22, explained that the “imposition of ashes” is a sign of Christian conversion in preparation for Easter.

“The Church thought it was important to prepare for this key point, which is 40 days, and Ash is the first day of preparation. It starts with the imposition of ashes to show that God loves us too much and that we don’t love him enough, and that we don’t love each other enough as brothers as God wants,” he said.

Ash, as he said, means that each one must recognize their miseries, limitations and failures, further arguing that gray is a sign of humility, since human beings must be humble to recognize their mistakes.

Source: Inforpress