Archipelagos of Cabo Verde and Azores identify area for cooperation

The Minister of Agriculture and Environment was meeting in the City of Praia on Wednesday with the Regional Secretary for Agriculture and Rural Development at the Government of the Azores, with whom he was identifying areas for cooperation between the two archipelagos.

“It is a cooperation, for some very practical, very fruitful, with very concrete results and it is a little in this line that we are discussing an agreement with very concrete areas and areas of intervention,” Minister Gilberto Silva told reporters.

The Minister of the Agriculture and Environment pointed out areas such as irrigation, protected crops, greenhouse crops, for better pest control and increase production, talking about the adoption of intelligent practices that allow water savings, reduced costs and increased benefits.

“I am referring to the whole meat industry, that is to say, not only the subject of slaughter, but the techniques, the slaughterhouses, all that can contribute to the increase in health in terms of production and distribution of meat,” he said.

Another area that, according to Gilberto Silva, seemed “very important” to hear the experience of the Azores has to do with small-scale agri-food processing.

Source: Inforpress