Anglobal announces production of metallic structures

Anglobal wants to contribute to the reduction of imports of metallic structures for Angola, ANGOP has learnt.

In order to meet this goal, the company pledged to the local production of this metallic structures to support industries, such as telecommunications towers and energy transport and distribution towers.

Anglobal’s manager, Paul da Gama, quoted in press release, expressed the company’s intention to promote the integration of Angolan training and know-how in the development of various solutions.

He added that the firm is committed to renewable energy, sharing telecommunications infrastructure and the metalworking industry for the country's economic development.

Anglobal, explains the manager, develops economically viable energy solutions that contribute to reducing the carbon footprint and boost social, economic and environmental sustainability.

Anglobal's manager spoke of the great potential of these three services the company presented at FILDA, along with intelligent energy efficiency solutions, to promote the diversification of the economy and economic growth.

He said that renewable energies provide a better environment, greater energy independence, better distribution of energy and greater ability to integrate communities, which contributes to the development of regions, increases the productive potential and encourages sustainable development.

He highlighted that the development of the digital economy depends significantly on efficient telecommunications and despite the logistical challenges, the Angolan market in this area has shown a remarkable evolution

Anglobal was founded in 2003 in Angola and it offers engineering solutions, focusing on the telecommunications and energy industries.

Source: Angola Press News Agency (APNA)