Agostinho Neto University Hospital launches certification project of the Human Milk Bank

Ensuring the availability and supply of human milk in safe conditions is what HUAN intends with the certification project of the Human Milk Bank, whose launch took place on Thursday in the city of Praia.

In presiding over the official launch of this project with NP EN ISSO 9001:2015, the chairman of the board of directors of the Agostinho Neto University Hospital (HUAN), Imadoeno Cabral, said that with this project new challenges emerge, namely the weight of early neonatal mortality, which currently represents more than 60% of deaths that occur up to one year old.

“The statistical data also show us that in recent years the causes of early neonatal mortality are strongly aligned with two factors, the first being prematurity, and the second one, low weight. And it is precisely in this context that this hospital Milk Bank fits, for a technical and institutional response in order to ensure the survival of newborns”, he explained.

According to this responsable, HUAN’s board of directors took on this challenge of initiating the process of certifying the Human Milk Bank service with the international standards recommended by ISSO, taking into account qualified human resources, appropriate equipment and process mapping.

Source: Inforpress