Adevic students finish school year with 98% approval rating

Students at the Association of the Visually Impaired of Cabo Verde (Adevic) completed school year 2020/2021 with an approval rate of around 98 percent (%) primary, secondary and higher education.

The information came out from the Adevic’s president, Marciano Monteiro, in statements to Inforpress, after a meeting to evaluate the school year 2020/2021 of the students who passed through the Manuel Júlio Blind School.

Marciano Monteiro, who considered the approval rate achieved a “success”, stressed the health situation experienced in the country did not facilitate, so the school in this school year welcomed only eight students.

“Despite all the constraints caused by the COVID-19 we managed to complete the year successfully,” he said, stating that with the health situation the school had to increase expenses with purchases of masks, alcohol gel and all other materials for the rigorous hygiene to which everyone was subject.

Source: Inforpress